Ekipa Izobraževalno društvo za medije SilWin

Ekipa Izobraževalno društvo za medije SilWin


Izobraževalno društvo za medije SilWin predstavlja:

  • Na čelu naše organizacije je mag. managementa in inženirka multimedije, Silva Požlep, ki vodi ekipo zanesljivih študentov in prostovoljcev.
  • Nataša Sorko, soustanoviteljica društva, skrbi za računovodstvo in zagotavlja finančno stabilnost organizacije.
  • Michael Lipovec skrbi za zdravje in dobro počutje ter finance.

V naši ekipi vedno pozdravljamo nove prostovoljce, ki želijo deliti svoje znanje in veščine za doseganje finančne samostojnosti drugih. Sodelujemo z različnimi posamezniki in organizacijami, ki nam brezplačno ponujajo svoje znanje in izkušnje. Naš cilj je povezovanje usposobljenih strokovnjakov s tistimi, ki se še učijo, in tako ustvarjanje mreže ljudi, ki si prizadevajo za finančno neodvisnost in uspeh.

Silva Požlep

Mag. Silva Požlep (President of the association) is a graphic designer, multimedia engineer, graduate economist, MSc in Management, digital marketing specialist, certified mentor, and coach. She has provided training in graphic design and computer science to individuals, corporate groups, and students in private schools and at the Academy of Multimedia in Ljubljana, with which she continues to collaborate. She has also gained social competencies through her involvement in maternal homes in Solkan and Šempeter pri Gorici.

Silva Požlep

Silva Požlep trains students, volunteers, and professional colleagues in the association in the fields of design, management, marketing writing, and education. She is responsible for leading the association, ensuring a comprehensive graphic identity for the organization, writing content, marketing, and regular activities. She strives for financial independence, freedom, a healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle.


The Media Education Association consists of members, volunteers, and students led by Silva Požlep, MSc. Our common passion lies in design, multimedia, education, digital marketing, web development, and other media and IT fields. We aim to become top experts and improve our knowledge and skills to achieve financial independence, personal satisfaction, and health. We use modern technology and various computer programs in our work and happily share acquired knowledge with others.

Students and Volunteers

The Media Education Association consists of members, volunteers, and students led by Silva Požlep. Our shared mission is to explore the world of design, education, and other media and IT fields. In our team, we strive for continuous learning and mutual support in achieving set goals and financial independence. We use various computer programs and devices offered by modern technology in our work. We are delighted to share our acquired knowledge with those eager for new insights and education.

V letu 2023 / 24 so se nam pridružili študenti, katerim ste lahko mecen:

Petra Rkman – visual communications, marketing

In the year 2022/23, the following students joined us, who you can support:

Jakob Kropivšek – YouTube project manager and video production
Nika Drovenik – graphic design, AI art, digital marketing, programming
Petra Rkman – visual communications, marketing
Nik Pranjič – video produkcija in spletna stran

In the year 2021/22, the following students joined us, who you can support:

Eva Hild – art director, graphics, design, photography
Jakob Kropivšek – YouTube project manager
Domen Gramc – video, graphics

In the year 2020/21, the following students joined us, whom you can support:

Rebeka Bedene – graphics
Tjaša Milivojevič – graphics
Aladin Hadžić – graphics
Jana Puklavec – graphics

In the year 2019/20, the following students successfully completed their internship and studies:

Špela Skubic – video production
Mitja – scanner operator, graphics
Jošt Žužek – video production
Jan Čizmazija – web production
Tim Pungrčar – video production

The team is complemented by professional volunteers who share their knowledge with others and ensure the smooth operation of the organization:

mag. Robert Rolih (entrepreneur, donor, mentor) – coach, podjetnik
Petra Knez Bahor – mentorica, telefonska prodaja
Karin Elena Sanchez – coach
mag. Nataša Sorko – računovodstvo
Mihael Lipovec - health, personal growth, psychology, systems, finance
Kristina Lipovec - Gorenjska branch, health, nutrition
Darja Zimic - Primorska branch
Jure S. - programming, web development
Igor B. - programming
Tanja Romih – piska besedil
Mag. Klemen Kržišnik - professional literature translator, publishing, modern technologies
Mag. Silva Požlep - management, design, AI, mentorship, internship

Darinka Kastelic – prostovoljka

Silva Kresnik – piska besedil

Avtorji spletne strani:

Silva Požlep, Nik Pranjič, Petra Rkman
